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Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Disengagement in Retirement Accelerates Cognitive Decline
Older adults in retirement, especially women, showed greater cognitive decline if they became disengaged with their ambitions ad commitments to tasks and goals, while men were not affected.
Regenerate Damaged Nerves by Boosting Cellular Energy
Increasing the energy supply (ATP) in damaged spinal cord nerves promotes regeneration and regrowth of axons (nerve fibers); damaged axons in spinal cord injuries impair ATP production.
Where You Live Can Impact How Long You Live
The community important factors that lowered life expectancy were more fast food restaurants, higher population density, and more jobs in mining, quarrying, and oil/gas extraction.
Low-Carb Diet Prevents or Reverses Brain Aging
People who ate a low-carb diet (no sugar, grains, rice, or starchy vegetables) for one week had a more stable brain network, likely due to the brain using ketones rather than glucose for fuel.
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