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Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Breaking News

Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Breaking News

doctors mri scan brain scan

Intelligence Linked To Increased Brain Network Stability

A study found that more intelligent individuals had brain networks with more stability, as shown by less fluctuations on fMRI scans. Increased stability of networks may indicate a protective mechanism of the brain.

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cellular autophagy

Autophagy Plays Crucial Role In Maximizing Longevity

Autophagy is a process that eliminates cell waste to prevent toxic build-up. It has been shown to be closely related to many of the hallmarks of aging, while maintaining immune function and controlling inflammation.

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blood pressure treatment

More Aggressive Blood Pressure Treatment Can Benefit Brain

Older adults with hypertension on a more aggressive treatment regimen saw a reduction in accumulation of brain white matter and cardiovascular events by lowering systolic blood pressure to 130 mmHg.

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walking in park exercise

Slow Walkers Have Older Brains and Bodies at Age 45

Adults who walk more slowly have markers of accelerated aging, including looking older. Increased aging of the lungs, teeth, immune system, and cognitive function were correlated with slower walking speed.

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