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Breaking News

Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Breaking News

Eating Mushrooms May Help Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

Eating Mushrooms May Help Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

A new study found an inverse relationship between mushroom consumption and the development of prostate cancer among middle-aged and elderly Japanese men, suggesting that mushroom intake might help to prevent prostate cancer.

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Reduced TGF-β and Increased Oxytocin Reverses Measures of Aging in Old Mice

Reduced TGF-β and Increased Oxytocin Reverses Measures of Aging in Old Mice

Researchers have moved on from the initial experiments to the search for circulating factors in blood that change in ways that are harmful in aged individuals, and which might be adjusted to improve cell and tissue function.

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Reviewing Recent Research into the Relationship between Autophagy and Aging

Autophagy is the collection of cellular maintenance processes responsible for recycling damaged cell components, molecular machinery, and metabolic waste.

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Declines in Limb Muscle Mass Correlate with Higher Mortality in Late Life

Declines in Limb Muscle Mass Correlate with Higher Mortality in Late Life

Aging is associated with a progressive loss of muscle mass and strength, which  results in frailty and the condition of weakness known as sarcopenia. Resistance training would improve matters.

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