Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

Longevity Articles — Supplements

Unlock the Potential of Ergothioneine: A Powerful Ally for the Over-40s

Unlock the Potential of Ergothioneine: A Powerful Ally for the Over-40s

Research indicates that ergothioneine can extend lifespan by guarding against the rapid shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are the caps at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from deterioration. As you age, your telomeres naturally shorten, which is a strong predictor of both lifespan and healthspan. Ergothioneine helps in maintaining telomere length, thus potentially offering a longer, healthier life. 

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Senescence, Inflammaging, Adipose Tissue, and Solutions to Slow Aging

Senescence, Inflammaging, Adipose Tissue, and Solutions to Slow Aging

Not all the pathways to aging are clear, so let's tie together four concepts that are deeply linked – senescence, inflammaging, the role of adipose tissue, and potential solutions for slowing down the aging process. 

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Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Maintaining adequate magnesium levels as we age becomes essential, as it directly influences various aspects of our health and longevity, including muscle and heart health, brain function, sleep, and more. 

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Harnessing Natural Solutions to Improve Metabolic Health

Harnessing Natural Solutions to Improve Metabolic Health

Recent studies have identified natural compounds that mimic the effects of metformin—by harnessing the power of these natural mimetics, you can improve your metabolic health.

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