Fuel Your Mitochondria with Bioavailable CoQ10

All living things are made up of cells, the smallest unit of living organisms. All cells are powered by an organelle inside them called mitochondria, the energy factory of the cell. Functioning mitochondria are essential to produce energy and facilitate growth.
Here, we'll look at how robust mitochondria function is essential to your health and vitality — especially if you seek to extend your healthspan.
The Role of Mitochondria
In addition to their role in converting food and oxygen into fuel, our mitochondria do much more. For instance, they also assist in the:
Manufacturing of DNA
Metabolization of cholesterol
Production of antioxidants
Decrease of oxidative stress
Self-replication of cells when more energy is required
But as you age, the health of your mitochondria degrades, mainly via free radical damage. However, you can neutralize excessive free radicals by supplementing with highly absorbable forms of CoQ10.
Mitochondrial Support and CoQ10
Although you may be most familiar with ubiquinol, a popular form known for enhanced absorption, there's a new CoQ10 on the block offering superior benefits called mitoquinol mesylate.
mitoquinol mesylate is a shortened form of the antioxidant ubiquinol, made by the addition of an ion called triphenylphosphonium, which gives it a positive charge. These modifications allow it to pass through the mitochondrial membrane, providing a payload of free radical defense.
As it helps to neutralize excessive free radicals, mitoquinol mesylate stabilizes the mitochondrial membrane, protecting it from subsequent free radical attacks. When taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise, bioavailable CoQ10 helps support your body against oxidative stress and the body's defenses against degenerative health conditions.
Bioavailable CoQ10 like mitoquinol mesylate may also boost energy levels of aging individuals. This happens through a process known as cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, the function of mitochondria is to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell, and regulate cellular metabolism. The good news is that you can support mitochondrial health and the cells that require the most energy such as those in the brain, heart, skeletal muscles, and the eyes.
How Aging Impacts Mitochondria
So how does aging impact mitochondria? Let's take a look at a paper published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, which describes the Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging (MFRTA):
“Mitochondrial ROS (reactive oxygen species) production increases with age because of a decline in mitochondrial function.”
“Activity of several ROS-scavenging enzymes declines with age.”
“Mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) accumulate during aging.”
“A vicious cycle occurs because somatic mtDNA mutations impair RC function, which in turn results in a further increase in ROS production and accumulated oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA."
"According to the MFRTA, mitochondria play a crucial role in mediating and amplifying the oxidative stress that drives the aging process.”
Another eye-opening paper, The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging, examines how the degradation of healthy mitochondria function is associated not only with aging itself, but correlated with the development of a wide range of age-related diseases, such as cellular senescence, chronic inflammation and the age-dependent decline in stem cell activity.
The paper concludes:
"Mitochondria influence or regulate a number of key aspects of aging, and suggest that strategies directed at improving mitochondrial quality and function might have far-reaching beneficial effects."
The Takeaway
At this point we know that our mitochondria:
Are essential powerhouse organelles in our cells that produce the energy we need to live
Degrade over time. which may impact our brain, liver, heart, kidney, several other organs, and immune system; but
Can maintain their robust function by eliminating or improving detrimental environmental vectors and poor lifestyle choices, along with supplementation with bioavailable forms of CoQ10 like mitoquinol mesylate.
Ultimately, we can see that there's a link between mitochondrial dysfunction and our overall health. If you're in need of some mitochondria support, consider a form of CoQ10 with enhanced absorption to maximize its effectiveness, and optimize the health of your cells, organs, and overall wellness.
Bratic A, Larsson NG. The role of mitochondria in aging. J Clin Invest. 2013;123(3):951-957. doi:10.1172/JCI64125
Sun N, Youle RJ, Finkel T. The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging. Mol Cell. 2016;61(5):654-666. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2016.01.028