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Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Omega-3 Intake Protects the Brain From Air Pollution Damage
Consuming 2 or more servings per week of omega-3 rich fish or shellfish may protect the brain from air pollution damage by reducing brain shrinkage and increasing hippocampus size.
Meditation Linked to Reduced Cardiovascular Risk
In a study of over 61,000 veterans, those who meditated had lower rates of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and coronary artery disease, compared with those who did not meditate.
Impaired Ability to Smell Increases Risk of Dementia in Older Adults
Older adults with a reduced sense of smell are more likely to develop dementia. Sensory impairment, which also includes loss of hearing, vision, or touch, accelerates cognitive decline directly or indirectly.
Lesser-Known Protein Responsible for the Benefits of Exercise on the Brain
After exercise, the liver secretes the protein Gpld1, which improves cognitive function in aging mice. Overproducing the amount of Gpld1 in mice conferred the same brain benefits as exercise.
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