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Breaking News

Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Breaking News

neurodegeneration, alzheimer's disease

Inflammatory Processes Drive Alzheimer's and Neurodegeneration

Inflammation in brain drives neurodegeneration like Alzheimer's disease by the alteration of tau proteins, which compromises cell stability and kills neurons via the NLRP3 "inflammasome".

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senior woman brushing teeth

Brush Your Teeth to Protect Your Heart

Poor oral hygiene leads to increased bacteria and inflammation, which raises risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Brushing teeth 3 times per day was linked to 10% lower risk of these heart problems.

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prostate cancer, prostate cancer awareness

At-Home Test for Prostate Cancer Detection

An at-home urine test could enable easier, sooner detection of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer typically develops slowly and is difficult to determine which cases are more aggressive and require treatment.

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heart attack, doctor holding heart

Increase in 'Heart Attack Protein' Increases Risk of Death

Even slightly higher amounts of the 'heart attack protein' troponin are linked to increased risk of death after heart attack. Troponins regulate heart contractions; the heart releases it after heart attacks.

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