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Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

New Model of Aging Considers Tiny, Random Cellular Changes
The "Tripartite Phenotype of Aging" takes into account small changes that randomly arise on a cellular level, adding to the evidence why lifespan varies so much, even in people who share the same genes.
First Lab-Grown Mini Thyroids Could Treat Thyroid Disorders
Researchers generate thyroid mini-organs in the lab using healthy thyroid tissue. Importantly, the thyroid mini-organs could be matured and produced thyroid hormones in the cultures.
Gut Microbes May Be Key For Treating Neurological Disorders
Treatment with a specific microbe called L. reuteri promoted the production of compounds that improve social behavior deficits in animals with autism-like disorders.
CBD Improves Cognition and Reduces Plaque in Mice With Familial Alzheimer's
High doses of cannabidiol (CBD) for 2 weeks restored the function of two proteins that consume and break up the beta-amyloid plaque buildup that is indicative of Alzheimer's disease.
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