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Breaking News
Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.

Skeletal Age Calculator Predicts Future Bone Fracture Risk
A computational model calculates 'skeletal age', predicting someone's risk of bone fracture and premature death. Fractures increase the risk of premature death by about 50% in both men and women.
One Cup of Coffee or More Per Day Linked to Reduced Heart Failure Risk
Consuming one or more cups of caffeinated coffee was linked to reduced risk of heart failure in compiled data from three studies with over 21,000 adults in the United States.
Unique Fatty Acid Supplement Improves Retinal Function and Vision in Mice
Fats called very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFAs) are found in retina of the eye. VLC-PUFA supplements to mice increased lipid levels in the retina and improved visual function.
Inhibiting the GLS1 Enzyme Effectively Clears Senescent Cells in Mice
Inhibiting the enzyme GLS1 reduces cellular senescence in aged mice, which is the irreversible growth arrest of cells that leads to dysfunction and inflammatory damage to nearby cells and tissues.
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