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Stay up to date with the latest longevity trends.
Study Finds Melatonin Effective Against Certain Kidney Disease
In addition to benefiting sleep cycles, the hormone melatonin has also been shown to reduce kidney cysts in fruit flies, which could apply to treating humans with polycystic kidney disease.
Novel Ink 3D Prints Bone-Like Structures With Living Cells
A novel ink may allow 3D-printing bones with living cells to repair damaged bones. The ink uses a technique that prints bone-like structures in a microgel matrix that harden within minutes.
Brain Hyperactivation Could Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's Disease
Brain hyperactivity may be a predictor of Alzheimer's disease (AD) onset, as seen with abnormal activation on functional MRI scans in brain areas related to AD in people without dementia diagnoses.
Low-Carb, Animal-Based Diet Improves Health Outcomes More Than Low-Fat Diet
In a highly controlled study, people who ate a low-carb, animal-based diet had lower insulin and glucose levels than those eating a low-fat, plant-based diet, despite eating 550-700 more calories.
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