Longevity Today

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

Longevity Today

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

Longevity Today — Sleep Health

Glycine’s Potential Role in Sleep Quality

Glycine’s Potential Role in Sleep Quality

Clinical studies suggest glycine may act as a neurotransmitter to support sleep and next-day restfulness.

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Health and Longevity Benefits of Acupuncture and Massage Therapy

Acupuncture and Massage as Healing Modalities for Longevity

Acupuncture and massage are ancient bodywork practices with research-backed benefits that can improve your healthspan and longevity.

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Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Maintaining adequate magnesium levels as we age becomes essential, as it directly influences various aspects of our health and longevity, including muscle and heart health, brain function, sleep, and more. 

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The Power and Benefits of Breathwork for Health and Longevity

The Power and Benefits of Breathwork for Health and Longevity

Your breath can hold the secret to improved mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We’ll explore the powers of breathwork and the benefits of these techniques for longevity and improved wellness.

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