Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

Longevity Articles

Bone Health and Aging: Strategies for Stronger Bones as You Age

Bone Health and Aging: Strategies for Stronger Bones as You Age

Regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, certain supplements, fall prevention strategies, and other lifestyle modifications can support older adults' bone health throughout their lives.

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  • Tags: NR
NR 101: The Basics, Benefits, and Research on Nicotinamide Riboside

NR 101: The Basics, Benefits, and Research on Nicotinamide Riboside

NR is an excellent option for boosting NAD+ levels, supporting cardiovascular and cognitive health, and promoting healthier body compositions.

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Indigestion is a common problem, affecting about 25% of Americans.

Top 7 Ways to Improve Digestion

To improve symptoms of indigestion, add probiotic foods and supplements, digestive enzymes or bitter herbs before meals, chew food well, manage stress, eat mindfully, and take a short walk after eating.

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The Gut Microbiome and Longevity: Do Our Microbes Affect Our Lifespan?

The Gut Microbiome and Longevity: Do Our Microbes Affect Our Lifespan?

As we age, the bacteria in our guts start to shift—and these microbial changes can reflect not only variations in health outcomes but also differences in how long we live.

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